Moon Eclipse 2015

  • By Vien
  • 3 October, 2015
  • Comments Off on Moon Eclipse 2015



Red moon_small

This year, to see the moon eclipse I went over to a friend’s house in West Weber.  Maury had this giant telescope, that could see anything out of this world!  I’m hanging out with the big boys, now!  I’m in it for the art and to make pretty pictures.  But Maury and John was actually engineers and astronomer.  They know where the stars and planets suppose to be at all times.  With great knowledge comes great responsibility.


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Here’s a great shot of the red moon.  My equipment I had with me was my Panasonic Gh3(2x crop factor) with the Nikon 70-200mm f2.8 and the Nikon D7000 with the 85mm lens attached.



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99% of the time we had a cloudy view of the moon.  So the rumor I hear was that we would have to wait another 30 years for  another eclipse.

We had a great time, hanging out and watching and learning about the moon.



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